We are moving to an awesome new apartment in a week! Alexa got into a great magnet school in Hartford and the new apartment will be right near the school. Best part of the apartment is it has a dishwasher, that almost makes up for the fact that it is on the 3rd floor.
I start school the same day Alexa does, well the day after but my semester starts the same day. I'm taking english 101, pre-algebra and intro to nutrition. I would love to transfer somewhere and get my RN eventually. But I need to get a lot of math classes out of the way first. The last time I took a math class of any kind was over 8 years ago.
Blake has an appointment with a developmental ped. in a few weeks, right before we leave for the trip. I feel like I'm counting down the days for this appointment and that it can't come fast enough some days. Hopefully he will be restarting PT and OT soon as well.

Alexa was in an artshow right before the end of 1st grade, here is a picture of her art.

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